by IT Service Pros | Jun 8, 2020 | Uncategorized
Don’t steal… It isn’t nice and makes youvulnerable to security hacksDon’t steal. It isn’t nice. And… it make you extremely vulnerable you security hacks if you “steal” software packages. Smaller firms often will use unlicensed software packages to save money....
by IT Service Pros | Jun 1, 2020 | Uncategorized
Cybercrime: In-house protection that only YOU can provideFrom the political world to the corporate, all we hear about is hacking, hacking, hacking. Everyone gets hacked, data is stolen, etc. So, the cry goes up for better security protections for everyone’s...
by IT Service Pros | May 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
VoIP: A money saving solution for your company’s technology backboneWhen small business managers think about their IT infrastructure, they think about their employee’s mobile devices, cabling, Wi-Fi, laptops, a printer, and Internet connectivity. These are the basics...