So, here we are, already into the third quarter of 2016 and I’m pretty sure it was like maybe February last time I looked. Things are moving and moving fast.

Brief recap:

We downsized operations in October of 2014, cutting back two thirds of the client list. It took almost a year to catch up on the outstanding projects and handle the reorganization and refocus of the business. Our biggest problem wasn’t growing this business. Instead it was finding and keeping sufficiently motivated techs that could keep up with explosive growth of business operations while staying laser-focused on the baseline essentials of quality support, customer-first interactions and accurate insight as to what each client needed to successfully operate their business. Big-picture awareness of our client’s challenges is critical to being able to evaluate and overcome roadblocks before they negatively impact their ability to run their business. Eventually, it became clear we needed to stop the high-speed train and go back to the basics that made this business successful to begin with.

In late 2015, we started searching for a web design company that could handle this revamping and help us get a web presence that was more attuned to where we were taking things. By early 2016, we found what we were looking for and started the lengthy process of taking our tech expertise and converting it to something legible to the business owner who might be searching for high-quality IT support services. Apparently, people need to know what we can do for them, not necessarily how we can do it. If you live and breathe techie-stuff, you can easily find yourself believing everybody thinks that way. Not so much, it seems… But the primary website was reworked and the new emerged all sparkly and new…

In the course of this process, we have taken a hard look at how the everyday tech of business is changing and what services are have-to-haves as opposed to nice-to-haves. While we still accept new business network operations under the Managed Services umbrella (although we have much stricter limitations now), we see a rapidly growing universal requirement for enhanced security services and business continuity support that far exceeds what has been the standard for 20-plus years. Based on that evaluation, we decided to place a hard limit on Managed Services growth and expand Security/Business Continuity. Our web designers started working on a second site dedicated to this branch of the business and by mid-June of this year, we ended up with as a result.

Now, we finally have a moment in between client projects, web designs and business conferences to get a word in edgewise. So, hopefully, we can start to get new content posted here in a more frequent manner. There are so many things that come up that need to be part of the tech conversation and some are more time-sensitive than others. Here’s hoping that can happen now that the upgraded blog is available.

P.S.- If you need seriously professional web design help, contact Rob Rance <>at Turn the Page On-line Marketing. Great designers, great staff, great communications during the build process…